Getting to Know FICA



An entry level course for all staff members that need to receive training on FICA. The course will cover money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing. It explains South Africa’s legislative framework to combat these financial crimes and penalties and administrative sanctions that can be imposed by the FIC. It discusses what the Risk Management Compliance Programme (RCMP) of each accountable institution should contain as well as what is regarded as an accountable institution.
The concept of being grey listed and the role of the FATF and UN are also discussed and what steps should be taken by South Africa to refrain from being bumped to the blacklist.
Different reports that should be submitted to the FIC are discussed as well as the consequences of not submitting the relevant reports to the FIC or being non-compliant.

Course outcomes

Once you have completed this course you will have an understanding of:

  1. What FICA is.
  2. Money Laundering (ML), Terrorist Financing (TF) and Proliferation Financing (PF).
  3. Regulation.
  4. How FICA affects you.
  5. Risk Management and Compliance.
  6. Basic FICA Reporting.
  7. The consequences of non-compliance.

Who is it aimed at

Theoretical knowledge of FICA for all staff members irrespective of whether they are a part of the transaction process within an accountable institution or not.


Video 1: What is FICA?

  • Name three types of financial crimes.
  • Identify the problem with financial crimes.
  • Explain the need for the amendments to the FIC Act.
  • Identify the requirements set out by FICA to mitigate the risk of financial crimes.

Video 2: Money Laundering (ML), Terrorist Financing (TF) and Proliferation Financing (PF)

  • Define money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing.
  • Explain the three steps of money laundering.
  • Explain the four steps of terrorist financing.
  • Identify how proliferation financing differs from terrorist financing.

Video 3: Regulation

  • Outline South Africa’s legislative framework to combat financial crimes.
  • Discuss the objectives of FICA.
  • Identify the two supervisory bodies that assist the FIC.
  • Explain how FICA imposes duties on accountable institutions.
  • Identify what an accountable institution is in terms of FICA.

Video 4: How does FICA affect me

  • Recognise what an RMCP is.
  • Identify who needs an understanding of or training on the RMCP.

Video 5: Risk Management and Compliance

  • Describe what it means to be grey listed.
  • Discuss what a RMCP consists of.

Video 6: Basic FICA Reporting

  • Identify the seven reports that must be sent to the FIC to combat financial crimes.
  • Define a terrorist property report, cash threshold report, suspicious and unusual activity report, suspicious and unusual transaction report, terrorist financing activity report, terrorist financing transaction report and an international funds transfer report.
  • Identify who should submit the reports to the FIC.
  • Identify by when the reports should be submitted to the FIC.
  • Explain how a report should be submitted.

Video 7: The consequences of non-compliance

  • Identify the consequences of being non-compliant to FICA.
  • Outline the sanctions imposed by the FIC to non-compliant institutions.
  • Understand the process of monitoring for compliance.

Method of Training: Online learning

Learning material will be made available on the Learning Management System (LMS).

Students will have access to interactive, online learning material developed by an industry expert which will include relevant additional resources.


Students can register online ( at any time of the week (Monday to Friday).

Students will receive confirmation of registration and be allowed access to the learning material, once the required payment for the course has been made.

Course Duration:

The course can be completed in 2 hours. The student will have access to the material for twelve months.


Students will receive a Digital Certificate of Completion once the Final Assessment has been successfully completed. A pass mark of 60% is required for the Final Assessment.


R120 (incl. Vat)

Starting Date 
All year

Method of Training
Online Learning

Course Duration
The course can be completed in 2 hours. The student will have access to the material for twelve months.

Admission Requirements
No requirements

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The course will cover money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing. It explains South Africa’s legislative framework to combat these financial crimes and penalties and administrative sanctions that can be imposed by the FIC. Theoretical knowledge of FICA for all staff members irrespective of whether they are a part of the transaction process within an accountable institution or not.